Quite often, the modern, the citizens are wondering if prior to the distribution of blood to drink alcohol. In fact, the results of the analyses depends on the continuation of the treatment of the person. The physician must obtain the maximum credibility of search results. Otherwise, you will need to either repeat the analysis or to follow the incorrect treatment. To make a donation to the research, it is necessary to prepare well. But how, exactly? And can you consume alcohol before this? How many alcoholic beverages will be removed from the body? The answers to all these questions (and not only) we will examine in detail below. In fact the incarnation of the shootout in life takes a minimum of time and effort. And the preparation for the proper screening is not difficult.

The effects of alcohol on the body
Can you drink alcohol before you send the blood? It is to be noted that the ethanol impact on the body:
- increases the level of lactate;
- it increases the concentration of uric acid;
- increased triacylglyceride;
- reduces the sugar level.
As a result, this can lead to a distortion of the results of the research. The doctor is likely to refer you again to the delivery of blood.
Bans, or their absence?
As well can you drink alcohol before you send the blood? In theory, yes. But only to note that in this case, the results of the analysis of the biological material will not be reliable.
This is not the only constraint. The fact that the analyses of the blood have an influence of many factors. Therefore, the limitation of alcohol is only one of the rules. Then, we will see how to prepare for blood tests.
The excretion of alcohol
But, to begin, a few words about how much alcohol leaves the blood. This topic needs to get to know everyone.
In general, the exact time is difficult to determine. The speed of the blood to the inuence of different factors. For example:
- sex;
- the age of the person;
- the type of alcohol;
- the general state of health;
- the weight of the patient;
- the amount of alcohol consumed the drink.
In healthy people alcohol appears more quickly. Men more quickly in the face of the drunken alcoholic, the women. You can see the approximate time of the excretion of ethanol from the body. On what indicators to navigate? How is blood alcohol? Meet will help the following figures:
- vodka - 4.5 hours;
- beer - 40 minutes;
- red wine/champagne - 1.5 hours;
- cognac - 5 hours;
- porto - 3 hours.
There is a time offset of 100 g of the drink of the male body weighing 80 kilos. Needless to remind that these are only examples of values. And to not think about it, can you before you send the blood to drink alcohol, it is best to refrain from consuming such drinks.

The prohibitions final
But this is not all. There are a number of cases in which the consumption of alcoholic beverages prior to the closing of blood is strictly prohibited. As it can be? The following searches:
- on HIV;
- hepatitis (B, C);
- of syphilis;
- on the calcium;
- analysis of the phosphorus content in the blood;
- on the magnesium;
- on triglycerides;
- cortisol, androstenedione;
- on the parathyroid hormone;
- on the aldosterone.
The consumption of alcohol prior to the distribution of the blood, as has already been said, is not recommended. In these cases, you should refuse from alcohol well before the research.
The analysis of the sugar
But before you send the blood to drink alcohol, if you are planning to analysis on the sugar? As has already been said, ethanol can lower the blood glucose levels. But to improve the sugar in the blood, the alcoholic beverages are capable of. Accordingly, a few days before the date of the review shall waive any and all alcohol beverages. And other similar products also.
Without limitation
The gift of blood, after drinking is not always illegal. In some cases, the patient does not say anything about the training that is specific to a particular study. For example, it is possible in the following cases:
- before the output driver of public transport on the road;
- during the study on the ethanol content in the blood.
How can you refuse?
Many wondering how much you will need to limit yourself to the alcohol prior to the closing of blood. The answer to this question is not so difficult.
Of the general education
And how is the preparation to the examinations of the blood? This process requires special attention. It is important, for example, for donors. The gift of blood without training will lead to a bad analysis. Sometimes because of this people prohibit to become donors, during the detection of alcohol in the blood - exactly.
To obtain more accurate results of the study, you must:
- avoid alcohol 2-3 days;
- do not smoke for at least one day;
- do not consume sweet, salty, spicy, fatty foods, fried foods;
- do not burnout is;
- to avoid stressful situations.
On arrival in the laboratory, a man is desirable to sit quietly for about 10-15 minutes. Then, we will look at some useful tips for blood donors. Can you drink alcohol prior to the distribution of biological material? No. And smoking is also prohibited. What are the constraints and the tips are facing the donor? All in all, they will be reminded of the principles already. Blood donors must:
- beyond 48 hours prior to the deposit of biological material does not drink alcohol;
- do not smoke at least one hour prior to the donation;
- a balanced way of eating;
- night's sleep before the procedures;
- the morning is easy to take the breakfast (the blood is not fasting);
- coming to the delivery of the biological material in a healthy condition;
- drink up to 2 glasses of sweet tea before the closing of blood.
- renounce medication 3 days before the process.

Remember all of these rules, the donor blood can be harmful to your health. In effect, the delivery of the biological material requires particular attention. This is serious, leading to serious, at least temporary, the impact on the human body.
The impact of different types of alcohol in case of cold
Alcohol depending on the strength and dose has a different effect on the body (including colds):
- strong (on the alcohol content, the 21...80%), the cognac and led him to a poisoning, a poisoning, quick, nausea, vomiting;
- the average of the fortress (the alcohol content up to 20%), the mulled wine also contributes to the intoxication, but more respectful of the impact on the body due to the lesser fortress, and the presence in the composition of vitamins and trace elements;
- the small fortress (the alcohol content is not more than 6% to 8%) — is the most harmless containing the production, but because of the lack of consent has a positive effect during a cold is not recommended.
High temperature of any alcoholic beverage is perceived by the body as a poison. So to the question, is it possible to drink vodka to +38°C, the answer is clear: no.
Why not drink high-temperature
- Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol — a toxic substance, a depressant of the functioning of cells, which are declining, and without having been weakened by the disease of the protective functions of the body.
- Because of the toxicity of ethyl alcohol is perceived as a poison that will neutralize it. The body is subjected to a high pressure, battling at the same time and with disease, and with the alcohol poisoning.
- An increase in temperature — this is a reaction to an inflammatory process. It can be called not only the colds of the disease, but the pathology of any system. In this case, when the consumption of alcohol have a risk of failure of the affected organ.
Therefore, consume alcohol at a temperature higher than +38°C is not only desirable, but also dangerous.
In some cases, you can drink alcohol with the temperature
The receipt of alcoholic beverages in small doses (less than 50 g) available at the onset of the first signs of the disease and the body temperature, not more than +37°C, when the person has not started taking medication. For medicinal purposes is preferable to use wine or . A small dosage of these beverages eliminates the headaches due to the dilation of blood vessels, accelerates the intensification of the protective functions of the body and promotes a good night's sleep.
Wine-based, you can prepare a hot drink, the mulled wine:
- A dry red wine pour in a container and, stirring, heat over a low flame.
- Add the cinnamon stick, a tablespoon of honey and cloves (2-3 pieces), prevent.
- Then turn to put the lemon zest, the ginger and the cardamom.
- Cook for a bit and, without bringing to a boil, remove from heat.

The alcohol reduces stress
It is quite popular with the confusion that is often the cause of alcoholism. In fact, a small dose of spirits released into the blood hormones of happiness – endorphins. It improves the mood and gives the man a sense of joy and self-confidence. For some time people forget their problems, but to solve them, it is not able to.
The consumption of alcohol in large quantities causes a rapid depletion of endorphins, and the deterioration of the well-being of the toxic effects of the alcohol. In addition, the people, often the consumers of alcoholic drinks, experience a sense of guilt, which is related to their state of health, and missed opportunities.
Alcohol improves sleep
A glass of wine or a glass of brandy improves sleep. We talk a lot about, and there are those that often does. In fact, small doses of alcoholic beverages lead to a loosening and a slight drowsiness. However, with time, this effect disappears.
When the body gets used to the alcohol, a password and a relaxing effect, and large portions of alcoholic beverages is, on the contrary excite the person. In this state, the person may fall asleep, but this is the rhythm of sleep is disturbed, and goes to relax, and he could not.
Alcohol enhances the appetite
This assertion is only partially true. Approximately 20 to 25 ml of strong alcohol, used for 15 minutes before eating, to really activate the working nerve center, responsible for the sensation of hunger.
But if to consume alcohol on an empty stomach, which is highly harmful to the body. Alcohol has an irritating effect on the mucosa of the stomach and the esophagus. This causes the development of the inflammatory process, and contributes to the development of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
Alcoholism can be cured
Unfortunately, to completely cure the man of the disease of alcoholism is impossible. You can achieve what to stop consuming alcohol, but to make it indifferent to alcohol impossible. This means that the old man should stop consuming alcohol, and even small doses of drinking alcohol can lead to failure. Alcoholism is an incurable disease, because there is always a risk of recurrence, even after a long abstinence.
Virtually no party or meeting is not complete without alcohol. And that, that was not always of the consequences. Yes, and the evening may be tainted by the fact that in the body of too much alcohol. In this article, we'll talk about how to drink alcohol, it is good to feel, it is permitted to lower or increase the degree.
Especially not to lower the degrees of the
Degree of alcohol depends on how you feel in the morning. But this is not the only factor affecting your state of health. The large role played by the number of drunk alcohol, the quality and its combination with other beverages. Is it possible to lower the degree of alcohol and why, we need to understand. When the body receives alcohol, it turns into 2 components ethyl alcohol and acetic aldehyde. The second part is a toxic substance. When it penetrates in the body in excessive quantities, poisons her. Later, you can meet:
- Headaches.
- The nausea and vomiting.
- The jumps of pressure.
- Painful Sensations in the region of the heart.
- Respiratory problems.
The lower degrees leads to the fact that alcohol breaks down much more quickly, and thus the formation of toxic substances. They have a negative impact on the functioning of the internal organs and important for the work of the body systems, are absorbed in the blood. In this regard, the body is applied a double blow. This is the main reason why you can not lower the degree of alcohol. The consumption of soft drinks is also better to refuse. They contain carbon dioxide. When it enters the body, the absorption of alcohol in the blood accelerates. And it has a negative impact on the proper functioning of the liver and other organs.
How to understand that there are problems with alcohol
Regular basis of the need of alcohol – it is an opportunity to reflect on the fact that they did not degenerate if the urge to relax and relieve stress in addiction. In fact, the be very afraid. In fact, alcohol is able to make you a bad person, dangerous for the society, without hope. Control the amount of alcohol consumed, alcohol in this case, is not enough. Special attention should be and the frequency of its consumption. If, within a period of 2 weeks, you drink of the order of 400 grams of vodka – one can say in a systematic alcoholism. It is false to believe that if vodka is replaced by other drinks, this is not alcoholism. It is enough to compare their. The calculation may go by the following formula:
(The fortress of alcohol (percentage) * the Amount of alcohol consumed (ml)):1000 = number of units of alcohol. 1 unit of alcohol = 10 millilitres of pure alcohol.

Talk of alcoholism is costing then, when all the days in the human body comes from 3 units of alcohol. Think of this diagnosis should in the following cases:
- Think of the alcohol in the man's mood.
- He perceives it as a drug which is able to relieve tension, soothe.
- In the absence of alcoholic beverage produces a state close to the "break".
- Under the influence of alcohol in the person's behaviour changes. After the dissolution of the body appears aggressiveness and irritability.
Consuming the alcohol properly, and knowing its measure, you can prevent a risk of harm to the health. In the opposite case, except for an evening spoiled, a sore head in the morning and odious to the state throughout the day, you receive a high risk of the disease of alcoholism.